Anxiety-Free Sedation
Experience A Stress-Free Visit With Dental Sedation
At American Dental Care in Doylestown, we are proud to offer dental sedation to help make your appointments more comfortable and relaxed. This type of sedation involves administrating mild sedatives, like nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedatives (OCS). Nitrous oxide is an inhalant that produces a feeling of relaxation, while OCS is a pill taken before your appointment to help reduce anxiety.
Frequently Asked Questions
With both forms of sedation, patients remain conscious and able to respond to instructions from our team. They will feel relaxed during their procedure(s), and the effects of sedation usually wear off within a few hours.
Yes, nitrous oxide and OCS are safe forms of sedation that can help make dental appointments more comfortable without posing risks to the patient. Moreover, our team has been diligently trained in administering dental sedatives, so you trust that we’ll provide you with a safe and effective experience.
Dental sedation can be beneficial for most patients who experience mild to moderate dental anxiety or fear. It can help patients feel more at ease during their procedure(s) and enables them to receive the care they need without feeling overwhelmed. Dental sedation can also be helpful for those who need to undergo multiple procedures in one sitting.
Most patients who experience dental fear or anxiety can be candidates for dental sedatives. Additionally, those with an unusually active gag reflex or who have trouble staying still during dental treatments may also find it beneficial.
If you suspect dental sedation can help make your dental appointments more comfortable, contact American Dental Care today to learn more. Our experienced team is here to provide you with the care and support you need to prioritize your smile!
Contact American Dental Care About Anxiety-Free Sedation Today
- Alleviate dental-related anxiety
- Feel more relaxed during your appointments
- Be less sensitive to discomfort
- Stay conscious and communicative while sedated
- Experience a more pleasant visit!